Eyebrows are undoubtedly among the most important facial features because of their ability to frame the face, enhance or create the illusion of facial symmetry, and offer an overall polished look. Eyebrows also serve the more practical function of protecting the eyes from dirt, sweat, and debris. Furthermore, eyebrows are among the most expressive parts of the face and can easily indicate mood or one's state of mind by their slightest raising or furrowing. While these strategically placed strips of hair serve an important function, they are also valuable beauty assets, and as such, they are worthy of some pampering. Here at Brows and Brows, we make sure your eyebrows make a statement.


     Botox Improves Many Health Conditions
In addition to improving your physical appearance, Botox injections can also improve many other health conditions.
For example, many people who suffer from TMJ or other types of muscle pain, get Botox injections to help them relax these muscles.
Botox injections are even used to treat chronic migraines and other chronic health issues.

Because Botox blocks nerve activity in your muscles, it can also prevent unnecessary muscle use. People suffering from severe underarm sweating, urinary incontinence, or an overactive bladder can benefit from Botox injections.

    Given that the risks outweigh its benefits, it’s best to play it safe and save the wrinkle-fighting, skin-smoothing benefits of BOTOX® Cosmetic for a time when your baby is out of harm’s way. We strongly recommend waiting until you are no longer pregnant or breastfeeding to be treated with BOTOX® Cosmetic.